
    When you change from Elementary to Middle you will not be very organized. Don’t feel bad about it every one is the same way. However it is vital that you become organized as soon as possible! Now you can use folders, and dividers to keep everything in order. Try color coding your folders so grab the correct one at the correct time. Make reminders in your planner about due dates for big projects and small projects.

            The planner will be given to you the second or first day of school, be sure to have five dollars to pay for your planner. Every day be sure top have your planner so you can go to the bathroom or get water; it is your hall pass. Without it you can’t go any were but your classes. Also put everything away in a folder before you leave each class. And above all be prepared for the work to be thrown at you through the year. If you stay organized them it won’t be so bad, but if you slack off it will be a hard year for you; good luck!
