

At the beginning of your year here at Fort Clarke , you will recieve a planner.  A planner is a calendar/notebook where you write down your agenda for the day, which will ve written clearly on your teacher's white board or smartboard, (see example at bottom section of page).  As well as your agenda, planners are also to be used for important reminders and other memos you do not wish to forget.  For example, a homework assingment or your locker combination.  At the very bottom of every day in your planner is a smalll box for a siganature.  Your parent or guardian will sign the box every day to ensure that they know what you are learning and being assinged throughout the school year.  This will be checked by your AA teacher.  Your planner is also where a teacher can sign your planner if you wish to have a pass to anywhere on school grounds as long as there is a valid reason for leaving your classroom.  To conclude, there are also reference materials that you may use, such as the periodic table, that are provided in your planner.
